What You Can Do
Tax-deductible donations or bequests of property in West Marin can be used as affordable housing projects themselves or exchanged for larger, more suitable properties. If you have such a property or know of one, let us help you identify a local affordable housing land trust that can assist you in turning it into much-needed housing.
Creating a second unit on your property is an excellent method of providing more affordable housing units. New California legislation has made the creation of Junior Dwelling Units (JDU’s) and Additional Dwelling Units (ADU’s) in residential areas much simpler. For more information on this option click here.
Stay in your home by donating it or selling it for a below market rate to a local housing nonprofit in return for a life estate. With this option you would be able to continue living in your home until death, at which point it would revert to affordable housing.
We are happy to meet with you to discuss any of these options in further detail.